Cherrydale Listserv on Yahoo! Groups
The Cherrydale neighborhood maintains a community listserv through YahooGroups which allows members to post messages to the greater community. There are currently several hundred subscribers to this service. Membership is free, however, it is restricted to residents of the Cherrydale & Maywood neighborhoods and businesses located in Cherrydale.
Postings to the listserv are generally unchecked prior to distribution, so it is requested that members restrict postings to issues of specific interest to our local community. Topics vary from lost pets to finding a good plumber in the neighborhood – any and all of the things which members of a small community might have in common with one another. We also request that postings are not of a blatant commercial nature, or of any form that could be considered spam.
The number of messages posted varies from week to week. When hot-button topics appear, a flurry of email can be generated, however, this is rare and the list averages perhaps four or five postings per day. Days may go by without a single posting while other days may have a dozen, or more.
Joining the listserv is easy! There are two ways to sign up.
1) If you have already have a user account, simply point your web browser to YahooGroups, and click on “Join This Group”. If you do not already have a Yahoo account, you can sign up for a free one at the same time. Once you have created your account, you can have the listserv send all postings to your new Yahoo mail account, or have it redirect postings to any other email account which you designate. Once your request has been submitted to YahooGroups, the listserv moderators will be contacted directly by YahooGroups to confirm your request.
2) Alternatively, you can simply send an email to the list moderators at [email protected] and they can manually add your email address. By doing this, it is not required to have any sort of Yahoo account.
With either method of joining, please include a brief description of who you are, your address, and why you would like to be included on the list.
Prior to signing up, please read the netiquette section of this page. It is assumed that anyone requesting to join the listserv has read, understands, and consents to the posting guidelines which we have established.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why all the personal information when signing up ?
We request that you tell us a bit about yourself when signing up 1) as a means of enforcing the rule that our list is open only to the residents and business people of Cherrydale and Maywood, and 2) as a way to help keep spam out of your inbox. The only people who can post to the list are those who have been approved by the moderators. It has been our unfortunate experience in the past that spam operators have tried to gain access to the list by signing up under fraudlent names with bogus email addresses, and we would like to prevent this as much as possible. We have no interest in obtaining any information about anyone beyond the fact that he/she is a real person with a verifiable affiliation with Cherrydale or Maywood. Telling us where you live or something about Cherrydale which would be unknown to a person from outside the community is one way that a moderator can help ensure that you are who you say you are.
Can I send attachments such as pictures, documents, movies, and music files to the list ?
No. YahooGroups has several features which allow the moderators to control how messages are sent. We have chosen to not allow attachments to be sent to the group through the listserv. This is done for several reasons, mainly to put subscribers’ minds at ease about not getting viruses from attachments, and to keep the size of the messages in check. If you absolutely need to send some sort of attachment to the entire group, please contact the list moderators and they can allow attachments to go through on a temporary basis.
Will I get spam from joining the list? What about getting a virus from the listserv?
Some folks consider anything they don’t want to read as spam. From time to time, you may receive legitimate postings which have no interest for you. That’s just what happens when there are 300 people who have the ability to post messages. However, most members find our listserv a valuable tool for keeping up on the events within our community, and there haven’t been too many complaints about the volume of mail received or about how relevant the postings are to Cherrydale. In short, you will not receive spam by joining this list !
The Cherrydale listserv has been configured to not accept email attachments, so any postings will not contain any information other than plain text. Your computer will not be infected with any viruses while reading email from the listserv.
OK, I’ve joined the list and have something share with the neighborhood. How do I post a message ?
Once you have received a confirmation that your email address has been added to the list, you are free to post messages on the list. Simply compose an email to [email protected] and it will be sent to each subscriber on the list. Please remember that anything you send to the list will be read by hundreds of your friends and neighbors!
Once I sign up, will I ever be able to unsubscribe ?
Yes, and when you unsubscribe you won’t receive any more postings except for a one-time confirmation that you have left the list. Unsubscribing can be done through either of the two methods listed above for subscribing: through the YahooGroups website, or by sending a message directly to the list moderators.
I want to stay informed about Cherrydale issues, but there is simply too much email for my liking. What can I do?
Should you find that there is more email traffic than you wish to read, you can alter your preferences at YahooGroups to receive a daily digest, or even turn off email and just read messages as they’re archived on the site. Also, if you go away for a few days, you can temporarily stop delivery. Several people have auto reply and these tell the whole listserv that you are out of town. If you have difficulty changing your settings, please notify the moderators and they can easily change them for you.
Questions? Comments?
Please direct any questions or concerns about the listserv to [email protected]. An email sent to this address will only go to the moderators and will not be posted to the list.
Who are the moderators of the listserv, and what do they do ?
The listserv moderators maintain the subscriber list, process add/drop subscription requests, and from time to time remind subscribers to try to be respectful and courteous to their neighbors when posting messages in a public forum. Presently, the moderators are Eric Dobson (Utah St.) and Conrad Rehill (Quebec St.).
What is “netiquete” and how does it pertain to the listserv?
Netiquette is simply the proper use of social etiquette on the internet. Please see the section below for a more detailed description.
Listserv Netiquette
A few simple rules to follow will make the listserv more useful, friendlier, and easier to manage.
This system shares information with the entire community. It is not intended to be an open dialog between a few people. Therefore, when you hit “reply” on a message, it only goes to the person who posted the email, not the whole list. If your reply is relevant to the whole list, you need to use “reply all”. Please use the “reply all” button judiciously. When thanking a single person for some piece of information, please consider whether or not the entire list really needs to be part of an ensuing dialog.
This system shares information with the entire community. All members can post documents on the site. The moderators may remove inappropriate items or refuse access to members who are misusing our service. Everything you post may be viewed by the public at large.
This system shares information with the entire community. Remember, once an email is posted, it is in the public domain and it can not be retracted.
Personal attacks and continued postings about non-community issues will result in the moderators restricting the offender’s ability to post.
Please do not post emails from people who are not members of the listserv or who are not residents of Cherrydale. If someone has something to share with the community, please encourage him to join the listserv and post it himself.
The Cherrydale listserv, despite what it may appear, is not restricted to emails about development, the fire station, or Interstate 66. If you are having a yard sale, looking for a nanny, have babysitting skills you want to offer, handyman services, etc., it is okay to post.
What is an appropriate topic for the listserv?
Good question. The general rule of thumb is, ask yourself this question: “Does this apply to the general Cherrydale community?” The listserv is for and about Cherrydale and Cherrydale stuff. There are other listservs which focus on specific topics such as Arlington, I-66, elderly, or such and these are better suited for continued discussion of these topics.
Postings to the listserv are generally unchecked prior to distribution, so it is requested that members restrict postings to issues of specific interest to our local community. Topics vary from lost pets to finding a good plumber in the neighborhood – any and all of the things which members of a small community might have in common with one another. We also request that postings are not of a blatant commercial nature, or of any form that could be considered spam.
The number of messages posted varies from week to week. When hot-button topics appear, a flurry of email can be generated, however, this is rare and the list averages perhaps four or five postings per day. Days may go by without a single posting while other days may have a dozen, or more.
Joining the listserv is easy! There are two ways to sign up.
1) If you have already have a user account, simply point your web browser to YahooGroups, and click on “Join This Group”. If you do not already have a Yahoo account, you can sign up for a free one at the same time. Once you have created your account, you can have the listserv send all postings to your new Yahoo mail account, or have it redirect postings to any other email account which you designate. Once your request has been submitted to YahooGroups, the listserv moderators will be contacted directly by YahooGroups to confirm your request.
2) Alternatively, you can simply send an email to the list moderators at [email protected] and they can manually add your email address. By doing this, it is not required to have any sort of Yahoo account.
With either method of joining, please include a brief description of who you are, your address, and why you would like to be included on the list.
Prior to signing up, please read the netiquette section of this page. It is assumed that anyone requesting to join the listserv has read, understands, and consents to the posting guidelines which we have established.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why all the personal information when signing up ?
We request that you tell us a bit about yourself when signing up 1) as a means of enforcing the rule that our list is open only to the residents and business people of Cherrydale and Maywood, and 2) as a way to help keep spam out of your inbox. The only people who can post to the list are those who have been approved by the moderators. It has been our unfortunate experience in the past that spam operators have tried to gain access to the list by signing up under fraudlent names with bogus email addresses, and we would like to prevent this as much as possible. We have no interest in obtaining any information about anyone beyond the fact that he/she is a real person with a verifiable affiliation with Cherrydale or Maywood. Telling us where you live or something about Cherrydale which would be unknown to a person from outside the community is one way that a moderator can help ensure that you are who you say you are.
Can I send attachments such as pictures, documents, movies, and music files to the list ?
No. YahooGroups has several features which allow the moderators to control how messages are sent. We have chosen to not allow attachments to be sent to the group through the listserv. This is done for several reasons, mainly to put subscribers’ minds at ease about not getting viruses from attachments, and to keep the size of the messages in check. If you absolutely need to send some sort of attachment to the entire group, please contact the list moderators and they can allow attachments to go through on a temporary basis.
Will I get spam from joining the list? What about getting a virus from the listserv?
Some folks consider anything they don’t want to read as spam. From time to time, you may receive legitimate postings which have no interest for you. That’s just what happens when there are 300 people who have the ability to post messages. However, most members find our listserv a valuable tool for keeping up on the events within our community, and there haven’t been too many complaints about the volume of mail received or about how relevant the postings are to Cherrydale. In short, you will not receive spam by joining this list !
The Cherrydale listserv has been configured to not accept email attachments, so any postings will not contain any information other than plain text. Your computer will not be infected with any viruses while reading email from the listserv.
OK, I’ve joined the list and have something share with the neighborhood. How do I post a message ?
Once you have received a confirmation that your email address has been added to the list, you are free to post messages on the list. Simply compose an email to [email protected] and it will be sent to each subscriber on the list. Please remember that anything you send to the list will be read by hundreds of your friends and neighbors!
Once I sign up, will I ever be able to unsubscribe ?
Yes, and when you unsubscribe you won’t receive any more postings except for a one-time confirmation that you have left the list. Unsubscribing can be done through either of the two methods listed above for subscribing: through the YahooGroups website, or by sending a message directly to the list moderators.
I want to stay informed about Cherrydale issues, but there is simply too much email for my liking. What can I do?
Should you find that there is more email traffic than you wish to read, you can alter your preferences at YahooGroups to receive a daily digest, or even turn off email and just read messages as they’re archived on the site. Also, if you go away for a few days, you can temporarily stop delivery. Several people have auto reply and these tell the whole listserv that you are out of town. If you have difficulty changing your settings, please notify the moderators and they can easily change them for you.
Questions? Comments?
Please direct any questions or concerns about the listserv to [email protected]. An email sent to this address will only go to the moderators and will not be posted to the list.
Who are the moderators of the listserv, and what do they do ?
The listserv moderators maintain the subscriber list, process add/drop subscription requests, and from time to time remind subscribers to try to be respectful and courteous to their neighbors when posting messages in a public forum. Presently, the moderators are Eric Dobson (Utah St.) and Conrad Rehill (Quebec St.).
What is “netiquete” and how does it pertain to the listserv?
Netiquette is simply the proper use of social etiquette on the internet. Please see the section below for a more detailed description.
Listserv Netiquette
A few simple rules to follow will make the listserv more useful, friendlier, and easier to manage.
This system shares information with the entire community. It is not intended to be an open dialog between a few people. Therefore, when you hit “reply” on a message, it only goes to the person who posted the email, not the whole list. If your reply is relevant to the whole list, you need to use “reply all”. Please use the “reply all” button judiciously. When thanking a single person for some piece of information, please consider whether or not the entire list really needs to be part of an ensuing dialog.
This system shares information with the entire community. All members can post documents on the site. The moderators may remove inappropriate items or refuse access to members who are misusing our service. Everything you post may be viewed by the public at large.
This system shares information with the entire community. Remember, once an email is posted, it is in the public domain and it can not be retracted.
Personal attacks and continued postings about non-community issues will result in the moderators restricting the offender’s ability to post.
Please do not post emails from people who are not members of the listserv or who are not residents of Cherrydale. If someone has something to share with the community, please encourage him to join the listserv and post it himself.
The Cherrydale listserv, despite what it may appear, is not restricted to emails about development, the fire station, or Interstate 66. If you are having a yard sale, looking for a nanny, have babysitting skills you want to offer, handyman services, etc., it is okay to post.
What is an appropriate topic for the listserv?
Good question. The general rule of thumb is, ask yourself this question: “Does this apply to the general Cherrydale community?” The listserv is for and about Cherrydale and Cherrydale stuff. There are other listservs which focus on specific topics such as Arlington, I-66, elderly, or such and these are better suited for continued discussion of these topics.