Crossing Lee Hwy at I-66 we see the narrow path in median which should be at least six feet wide rather than about 30 inches. A suggestion....
Need to report graffiti... VDOT wall by overpass...
Safeway stop looking west. Clean walk, trees not bad. Some bricks caving around lamp post ... The waste can is empty.
One of the problems we witnessed is 2-3 buses arriving the same time. Tha stacking means a longer wait for the next bus.
Safeway glass wall needs to be raised, per bus stop manager Oleg Kotov.
Bus stop by Honda. No shade. No trees but County thinks one might fit when they fix the intersection...
Sign and route display
View of stop at N Monroe St looking east. Here where contractor tore up landscaping, we wanted to put a bench. Dominion said no as it would "entice" people to climb the wall. Thanks to Oleg, we parlayed that into a specially narrow bench and shelter. Coming soon.
View looking west.
If we could throw a triangle of concrete at that edge of mulch it would be an easier turn in a wheelchair. Just eight inches of concrete triangle would work for easier turn. This is a path to two bus stops.
Heading further east after Kenmore st, by Koons used cars. CCA negotiated planting of 4 willow oaks on Koons lot bordering sidewalk. Hence eventually this stop should have shade. As part of undergrounding county placed light pole, unfortunately a bit too far into the sidewalk but it is what it is.
Here looking east (on the Safeway side) is the view from the bus stop. Here the trees are in better shape than most along Lee.
Just beyond previous bus stop is this wonderful short cut to Maywood by Reinhart's. The state of base has been reported three times in 18 mos. To solve the problem we need landscaping and a barrier to keep dirt and plants from falling into the stairs and base. About six inches of soil sits on top of the paving. This landing could be attractive and ATTRACT more pedestrians...
View of the opposite side bus stop where both etched glass walls were shot out by bb gun vandals.
These signs will be changed soon. We will be able to see if bus is on time and other features.
Better signage is in the planning.
Bus stop by Cherrydale Nursing and Rehab facility. One of our sheltered stops w/ waste can, both well used. Etched glass walls shot out by bb gun vandals replaced with plain glass.
The site clearly many people use to cross Lee to
Safeway. Straight path from nursing home to Safeway. It saves disabled and frail many extra steps. Let's make this site an official cross walk.
The official cross walk. Island pass is too narrow, especially for wheelchairs.
The famous mud stop. Between VDOT and County we are begging for resolution. For safety and comfort, this issue has been raised repeatedly since 1/2012. We remain hopeful....
The bus shelter here by Safeway is comfortable and shaded. The glass wall on east side is not attached correctly, sitting on the ground.
*** We are missing a photo of the next bus stop up by Lincoln St heading west. This stop used to be at the corner Lee and Monroe but was moved due to construction of Dominion Heights. It will probably be moved to Car World area between the new and old. One big issue is that if the stop were moved back to Monroe corner, County would want to take away the two or three parking spaces there which are sorely needed for retail. We did note that the section along Car World had literally no trees, so we are asking for some, if perhaps tree aisles can be placed there. ***
Bus shelter at koons Toyota. Nice spot. Needs a tree....
Look to left -- three buses in a row.
View east from Honda bus stop.
Replace dead trees, have shade for waiting passengers and pedestrians.
Figure out typical paths, pave them, and repair remaining grass.
Stop by nursing home so well utilized we probably need wider path and then repair the grass.